Law Yuk Mui 羅玉梅
Law Yuk-mui graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong with a Master of Fine Arts (MFA). She is the co-founder of the artist-run organisation Rooftop Institute. Using image, sound and installation as her mediums of preference, and adopting the methodology of field study and collecting, she often intervenes in the mundane space and daily life of the city and catches the physical traces of history, psychological pathways of human, the marks of time and the political power in relation to geographic space. Law often digs beyond the surface, through which she would recover fragments of narratives and micro histories. She is also sensitive to remnants in the art making process and finds imaginative ways to re-use and reactivate these things. Her works were extensively exhibited in Asia, including: ‘From Whence the Waves Came’ Parasite’s booth in Art Basel Hong Kong (2018), ‘Future Life Handbook’ Redtory Museum of Contemporary Art, Guangzhou, China (2017-2018), ‘Victoria East :FUSE Artist Residency’ Videotage, Hong Kong (2017), ‘Talkover/Handover 2.0’,1a space, Hong Kong (2017),’Busan International Short Film Festiva’,South Korea(2017), ‘5th Singapore International Photography Festival (SIPF)’, Singapore (2016), ‘Time Test: International Video Art Research Exhibition’, Beijing & Guangzhou (2016), ‘Both Sides Now ii – it was the best of times it was the worst of times’ Britain, China, Hong Kong (2015), ‘A Room with A View – Her Hong Kong stories through the lens of six female artists’(2015), ‘Here are the years that walk between’ special commission video project by Hong Kong Sinfonietta (2013), ‘The 2nd Beijing International Film Festival’ (2012), ‘The Kuala Lumpur Experimental Film and Video Festival’(2011), ‘The 16th Hong Kong Independent Short Film & Video Awards’ (2010), ‘Inter-city: Art in Busan’ South Korea (2009). Her prose “migration, insomnia, dreams” was included in Pocket2: Say Listen.
Selected Works
2018|video|Hong Kong|8'37"|HD|color|stereo
2018|video|Hong Kong|11'11"|HD|color|stereo
*The above works were exhibited in "From Whence the Waves Came/ 那傳來浪潮的方向", a solo at Parasite’s booth in Art Basel Hong Kong. (27-31 March 2018). Commissioned by Parasite; curated by Qu Chang.
Victoria East 維多利亞之東 2017|video installation|Hong Kong|15’50″|HD|color|stereo
projection on glass, dimension: 190 X 120 CM
The Last Coast 海岸
2017|video installation|Hong Kong|4’24”|HD|color|no sound welding, 金屬板, LED tube, dimension: 120 X 20CM
The mountain 山
2017|installation|Hong Kong b/w print, map drawn by chalk ink marker on glass; b/w & color slide photography, LED tube, dimension: 90X 8 CM
Wind 風
2017|video installation|Hong Kong video projection on fabric, stop-motion animation, color, loop play; pencil copy on tracing paper, color print, dimension: 90 X 48 CM
*The above works were exhibited in "Victoria East/ 維多利亞之東", a solo exhibition of the artist in Videotage, Hong Kong, 5-29 May 2017
On Junk Bay, King Lam Estate, the Plant 垃圾灣、景林邨丶植物
installation|Hong Kong|2'56"|color|sound1990 - present|
2015|video|Hong Kong|4'55"|color|sound
Spring rain moistens things silently 潤物細無聲
2013|interactive video installation|Hong Kong|color|no sound
Disabled Novel 殘話小說
2010|video|Hong Kong|19'|color|no sound
Time Ruining 實時報消
2010|video|Hong Kong|3'30"|color|no sound